Monday, August 18, 2008

Pray for Jesus' return

Matthew is my favorite Gospel.

In Matt. 24, 14 Jesus says when all the earth has heard his Gospel, he will return. I believe that.
So, in my daily prayers, I pray the Heavenly Father to let every tribe and nation on earth hear the Gospel of His son come in the flesh, Jesus, so that he may return quickly.

Later in the same Gospel, same chapter vs 24 Jesus says to pray that our escape is not on the Sabbath nor in the winter. So, I pray that, when I pray the above.

The Apostle Luke, chapter 21, 36 says to pray for the strength to escape and [strength] to stand before the Lord. I pray these three prayers along about the same place, in my personal daily prayers.

If any of you would care to add these prayers to your personal and/or daily prayers, I think we could really get things moving, spiritually.

I welcome discussion about the consequences of us praying these things.